Founded in 2012, The Heart Knot™ is a divinely, inspired jewelry line that was created for the acknowledgement that we all need a bit more love in our hearts. After suffering a series of heart losses, Hearon set out on a mission to heal her heart in a creative endeavor that would make a lasting change not just for herself, but for others. Being the child of one of South Carolina's leading cardiologists, as well as a graduate in Holistic Health from IIN in New York City, Hearon knew that healing is not just a physical journey, but an emotional and spiritual one, as well. Being in the right place at the right time, a Charleston friend gave her a copy of The Ashley Book of Knots which started the inspirational journey. Already an avid painter and maker of dragonfly necklaces for her patients who came to see her in her wellness practice, Dragonfly Wellness, Hearon felt a deep tie to the Celtic heart knot when she stumbled upon it in her Celtic ancestry research. Tying her first heart knot in vintage gold cord found in an antique store in Georgetown, SC, lead to what would later become the inspiration of her healing mission. Ten years later, The Heart Knot has grown strong and tied the hearts of the broken, the healed, the loved, and of course, the fashionista. Hearon sources her cords from all over the world, with her favorites being from France.
In October 2015, just after the shooting at Emmanuel AME Church, Hearon lead an I Heart SC: Tied Strong Campaign that donated thousands of dollars to many of her customers who became homeless during the flooding in Columbia. The Heart Knot's logo was used to stand as a message of strength, hope, and unity during South Carolina's series of disasters. An I Heart Paris Campaign was also initiated after the Paris bombings, where Hearon was visiting at the time.
"I believe that in all suffering, God gives us an opportunity to turn towards grace, forgiveness, and creativity. I have suffered much in the realm of heart break during my time here on Earth and have chosen to use this suffering to create something not just for myself, but for the hearts of others."
"When we come undone, we have to find creative ways to tie our souls back together. Knotting these golden necklaces has done that for me. I have been blessed to be the vessel to create something so pretty and so very pure. Somehow my entire heart is embedded in each of these knots. My faith, the sea, all things nautical, my Celtic love for all things Scottish, and of course my love for fashion shine through every Heart Knot. A heart doctor father, Pawley's Island hammocks, the lights of the City, golden bits of Paris, and the mysteries of Scotland. Sparkles of my life are tied together in each jewel."
"The Heart Knot™, to me, stands not just as a symbol of love, but of strength and courage. I believe they are beacons of light, sending heavenly messages that we need not rely on our own strength to do the sewing of that which needs to be healed within us, but on God's divine needles to thread us back to where we were always meant to be. We have all loved and lost, but it is what we do with that love that truly matters!"
It is my hope that The Heart Knot™ will guide many hearts back to Jesus, the supreme healer of all. Wear one to remind you of the love you have, the love you have lost, or the love that is currently being tied together in you.
I now know that God does make all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28).
My life and The Heart Knot™ are both testimonies to this.